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Our Supporters

Government of Canada

2017/18 Seniors Mentorship Program. This project was partially funded for 1 year.

Mills Woodworking

Providing much needed, monthly supplies for our therapy herd’s care.

Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport

2017/18 Equestrians of the Future project. This project was partially funded for 1 year.

Paradise Gaming Centre

Managing and distributing funds earned by our members while advocating and supporting their charitable aims and purposes.

Pathway to Potential

Pathway to Potential offsets the cost of therapy programs for low income families.

Solcz Family Foundation

WETRA has received support from the Solcz Family Foundation in the amount of $250,000.00 to complete their Barnyard Friends project.

WE Care for Kids

Supporting projects that directly impact our children receiving therapy.

Windsor Essex Community Foundation

Supporting projects that directly impact our community.

Inspiration 100™

Supporting projects that directly impact our community.

Ontario Trillium Foundation

Resilient Communities Fund 2022/2023

Joe & Hazel Lacey Memorial Fund

WETRA extends our thanks to the Joe & Hazel Lacey Memorial Fund, held at the WindsorEssex Community Foundation (WECF). Your generous contribution in 2025 supports our mission of improving the quality of life of individuals with diverse needs through equine programs.